Welcome to

We have added quite a bit of information to this site. We added a section with technical articles so that you can see how some projects are approached. We have spent many years gaining the knowledge that we are putting in here for you to see. We know that even with a wealth of knowledge we have that some of the things we do are not the most widely accepted processes. If you have a better way of doing things let us know as we are always looking to gain more experience.

Just to give you some background as to who and what we are, we are a two guys who have a dream of working for ourselves, doing what we do best. Work on cars. We have spent the better part of ten years working on street rods. We are located in Northwest Ohio in a town called Swanton about 30 miles west of Toledo. We have worked on a few cars that have been cousin to some famous cars. If you have been a longtime reader of Hot Rod magazine you would have seen a T-Bird that belongs to Tom Wilkinson. It was a Hot Rod of the Year. We recently finished a 59 Buick that belongs to Tom in our garage. We have a 1965 Rambler Marlin that was a second place winner at the 1995 Hot Rod Power Fest at Norwalk Ohio Raceway.

We can be reached by
Email: tech@enjenjo.com or webmaster@enjenjo.com